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Creating safe space for teams to work better together

  • Lateral Kindness Training

  • Cultural Safety Training

  • Reconciliation Training

  • Indigenous Awareness Training

  • Wellness Tools  *NEW

Our unique Training programs are designed for teams and organizations from 3 people to 100. 

With years of training and experience, L2K delivers trauma informed programs to help teams and organizations grow by building better relationships internally and externally.

Please know, that L2K is doing our best to Indigenize our booking process. 

Available  both virtually and in person.

Image by Dayne Topkin

Lateral Kindness Training

This values based training will identify and explore what lateral violence is, how it's connected to trauma, what it looks like, ending with what  lateral kindness is and ways to be mindful with it. Through an Indigenous lens, each trainee will leave with a deep understanding of lateral kindness, and why it matters.  They will also have concrete actions moving forward and growing the kindness movement.

  • 4hr Lateral Kindness Training - $5,000​

For in person delivery,

add travel & accommodations

Cultural Safety Training

This training program is available to support your organization and teams understand why being trauma informed matters and how it links to Cultural Safety.  After a journey through Canada's history of colonization and oppression, followed by teachings of Indigenous ways of being, participants will each have actionable items to ensure they deliver trauma informed, culturally safe services to and for Indigenous people.

  • 4hr Cultural Safety Training - $5,000

For in person delivery,

add travel & accommodations


Reconciliation Training

This highly interactive training will help your organization begin learning our shared Canadian history, how it affects us today and why it matters.  We also cover pre-colonial Indigenous History that aides in gaining a personal understanding of reconciliation.  Each trainee will have action plans for personal, as well as organizational/community reconciliation.

(the 8 hour training allows for deeper dialogue including bias and privilege, and more detailed action plans)

  • 4hr Reconciliation Training​ $5,000

  • 8hr Reconciliation Training $10,000


For in person delivery

add travel and accommodations

*Delivery can be broken down into two consecutive days for your teams needs and/or availability

Indigenous Awareness Training

This is a strong presentation of our shared Canadian History as well as Indigenous History.  It is intertwined with personal experiences to break through statistics.  Participants will examine racism, systemic racism and beliefs and behaviors that perpetuate inequities that create environments that are not safe for Indigenous people.  More importantly, action plans will be created for individuals and the entire team present.

  • 2hr Indigenous Awareness Training​ $3,000

For in person delivery add travel and accommodations

Totem Pole

Reconciliation Lunch & Learn Session

This 1 hour introductory session into Reconciliation gives a brief introduction to our shared Canadian History, pre-colonial Indigenous History and is a prelude to our 4 and/or 8 hour Reconciliation Training.

Participants will begin to think about the journey of reconciliation and walk away with a back pocket reconciliation action plan


  • 1hr Lunch & Learn  $1,500

For in person delivery

add travel and accommodations


A 2 hour power session to share wellness tools that can help us get through most days.

Each participant will receive a workbook with tools relevant to them.

2 hours     $3000

For in person delivery, add travel and accomodations

community large family in the park. a large group of people holding hands walking silhouet
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